Inspirational and Funny Homeschool Quotes

The best and encouraging homeschool quotes to help create an effective place to learn lessons of life and truth!


Inspirational and Funny Homeschool Quotes

I gotta admit – I never felt as if I wanted to homeschool my kids. I’m not a homeschool mom over here. So when I was kind of forced to last year when the world shut down, I felt flustered and way out of my element.

Let me just say it here and now – thank god for public school.

My kids thrive there.

But what’s good for one may not be good for all so if you are in to homeschooling because it’s what’s best for your family, then hopefully these homeschool quotes can be inspirational to you!

Homeschool Quotes

When one teaches, two learn.

Robert Heinlein

And so together, they created a school they loved.


An observant child should be put in the way of things worth observing

Charlotte Mason
black girl with twists writing in a homework book

Be the change you wish to see in the world


You have to be a bit of a rebel with an independent spirit to homeschool. I say, ‘feel the freedom’

Davis Carman

Children cannot bounce off the walls if we take away the walls

Erin Kenny

Play is the work of the child

Maria Montessori
black boy reaching bookshelf on the wall

What we learn with pleasure we never forget

Alfred Mercier

The capacity to learn is a gift. The ability to learn is a skill. The willingness to learn is a choice.

Brian Herbert

My kid’s new teacher is awesome. I should get something for them.

……add to cart.


Let’s be honest. Homeschooling my kid isn’t going to make her weird. I’m her mother. She was doomed from the start.

blue circle table with black boy playing with puzzle pieces

Let children feed on the good, the awesome and the great

Susan Schaeffer Macaulay

Play is the greatest form of research

Albert Einstein

How do you motivate a homeschooled child?

white boy with blonde hair resting on a stack of books

I think this really boils down to what your child is motivated by.

If you have younger kids, your motivation may be play with his or her favorite toy.

boy on computer at desk

For those older ones, you might need to allow some screen time so that they can play their favorite game or spend some time on social media if that’s how your family rolls.

Are homeschooled students smarter?

I wouldn’t say they’re smarter or not as smart. Homeschooled kids usually learn in a different style than kids learn at school and some children thrive in this kind of homeschool environment.

Speaking from experience of having kids in public school, I know with how well they succeed in that setting that trying to pull them out and homeschool them would not be in their best interest.

And not tooting my own horn, but my kids are really smart!

Research does show, however, that homeschool students tend to do better on standardized testing.

Again, this is all whatever works best for you and your family situation! That’s the privilege of this life 🙂

Homeschool mamas out there, education is honest work. No good quote will change the game, but YOU will! Rearing and teaching children in the same place can be super challenging but before you know it you’ll be designing their college dorm room all weepy and whatnot.

If you like this, make sure to pin it to refer back to it later!

13 inspirational homeschool quotes

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